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Over 50 Years of Empowering Lives

Here’s a Sacco that will light up your life in many ways

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Being a member of Stima (deposit-taking) Savings and Credit Co-operative Society gives you access to a wide range of credit facilities. Should you need individual, enterprise or home ownership loans, you are likely to find a product that suits your desire.

You could go for short or long-term loans. It all depends on your needs.

Loan Eligibility

Obtaining any of these loans is subject to your eligibility for each, though. A key requirement is Stima Sacco membership. You can join the Sacco as an individual or as a group, and begin your journey to financial stability, made possible by affordable credit facilities.

Stima DT Sacco has specified how long you should have been a member to obtain a loan. To be eligible, you must have been an active member for at least three months in the case of individuals, and six months for corporate members. Additionally, you must fulfil all the requirements of a specific loan product. The Sacco offers a wide variety catering for both individual and corporate/group needs.

Development Loans

These are long-term loans whose repayment tenures are more than 12 months. Loans in this category are not for consumption, but rather for investment and wealth creation. In this category, we have Normal, Super, Mwangaza, Premium and Vuka loans.

Instant Loans

These are short-term loans processed under a turnaround time of less than 12 hours, and payable in less than 12 months. Short-term loans essentially help members to meet emergency financial needs like school fees, hospitalization, and bills that may fall due suddenly. They include Salary Advance, Prime Advance, Emergency and Sosa loans.

Household Items Loans

This loan is specifically designed to finance the purchase of household items like furniture, electronics, etc. The Make-Over loan product falls under this category.

Business Loans

Business loans can be accessed by individuals running businesses in their names, or by corporate entities. These are mainly limited liability companies engaged in business. Lenders whose sole business is on lending also fall under this category. These include microfinance institutions (MFIs), Saccos or non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Loans to investment and self-help groups, popular as chamas in Kiswahili, are also offered under the business loans category. These are member groups engaged in investment activities.

The loan products included in this category are Working Capital, Asset Finance, LPO Financing, Invoice Discounting, Bank Guarantees, Fahari Loan (for groups/), and Corporate Loan.

Other credit products offered by the Sacco include Dividend Discounting, M-Pawa Advance, Investor Loans and M-Pawa Funika.

Home Ownership

Stima DT Sacco offers two flagship products under this category. The products are aimed at enabling members of the Sacco to access affordable housing finance loans to help purchase land, fully construct new houses, or improve members’ homes.

Makaazi Poa is one of the products. This is a micro-mortgage loan whose duration and repayment terms are dependent on the precise purpose.

KMRC Mortgage is the other. This product is provided under the Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company (KMRC) refinancing programme. The KMRC Mortgage loan enables Stima Sacco members to buy a residential house or purchase land at competitive rates, for construction.

The facility is available to individuals in permanent employment or on contract, as well as individuals in business or those who have rental income.

Security for the loan is the title of the property being bought or under construction. An additional tangible security may be required, where the property is not sufficient to cover the loan. The mortgage loan is for first time homeowners only, to buy or build a residential house.

Loan securities

The Sacco Societies Act Regulations requires that all member loans granted be fully secured. Stima Sacco accepts a combination of securities, which includes immovable and movable assets.

The Sacco usually decides on the type of security acceptable for certain types of loans for specific members, taking into consideration the product or member risk profile.

Types of securities accepted by Stima Sacco include self-guarantee, guarantors, deposits in the Sacco, land (developed or undeveloped), bank guarantees, shares quoted on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), motor vehicles, endowment insurance policies, property bought with the loan granted, debentures, corporate guarantee (for specified corporates), personal guarantee on valuables held by Stima Sacco, liens on fixed deposits, jointly owned properties, and property from third parties (with an affidavit from the consenting parties).

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remittance options


  • Customer downloads app pesadirect or visits www.pesadirect.com
  • https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pesadirect.app
  • https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pesadirect/id1544980130
  • After installing the app, enter the amount to Send and click “continue”
  • Click “Sign Up” or login if you had previously registered on Pesadirect.com
  • Sign up as a new user
  • Select Receive Method as “Bank or Sacco Deposit”. Click “Add new Bank or Sacco”
  • Select Stima Sacco from the list
  • Enter your Stima Sacco Account Number 802*******00, and click “Add Bank or Sacco”
  • Add your method of payment (Debit Card preferred)
  • Review order information, and if OK, click “confirm”
  • Your Transaction is Complete! You may download the receipt for your records


Bank details to use

  • Account name: Stima Sacco Society
  • Account number: 01120069062600
  • Bank: Cooperative Bank
  • Branch: Stima Plaza Branch
  • Swift Code: KCOOKENA
  • Branch Code: 11035


Members with mpesa access can send directly using the Paybill options below.

Deposit using Mpesa

  • You need to be an M-PESA registered customer
  • Go to M-PESA on your phone menu
  • Select Payment Services/ Lipa na M-Pesa
  • Select Pay Bill Enter 823244

For Monthly Deposit, enter 802xxxxxxx00, where xxxxxxx is your member number.

For shares Capital, enter 800xxxxxxx00, where xxxxxxx is your Member number.

For Deposit into Prime a/c enter 801xxxxxxx00, where xxxxxxx is your member number.

NB: Your membership number ought to be seven digits.

  • Enter the amount you wish to pay
  • Enter your M-PESA PIN, confirm details are correct and press OK